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“No, we can’t accept it, I’m sorry. It’s policy, Ma’am. Especially when the guarantor is unknown.
“But honestly, would YOU accept a cheque written entirely in Goetic script? I’m not sure I even want that thing down here.”
It was honor to host James D’Amato (@oneshotrpg) and Adira Slattery (@adiraslattery) this week in the Cellar. You may know James from his previous work on season 1 of A Woman with Hollow Eyes (among many other fine works of entertainment at OneshotPodcast.com), but Adira is possibly new to you? She’ll be joining James and Darcy Ross as Shayna in season 2.
We’ll also be hearing from Jess Meier (@burstofhope), who has been hard at work un-secreting the secrets of the Black Cube.
James D’Amato (@oneshotrpg)
Adira Slattery (@adiraslattery)
Jess Meier (@burstofhope)
James does all kind of wondrous work in the podcasting/streaming space, over at One Shot Podcast Network, and has recently published a book, The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide! It’s very, very good.
Adira mentioned Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny as part of her prior context with Surrealism in storytelling, and the game Blades in the Dark from Evil Hat Productions for some of its clever narrative conventions.
James and Adira worked together on a podcast project centered around Dream Askew // Dream Apart by Avery Alder (@dreamaskew) and Benjamin Rosenbaum (@ben_rosenbaum). James says listening will give you a good preview of what’s to come from Adira on season 2.
Thanks to Mika Talley (@hireimika), Gavan Keamy (@gkeamy), Ken Davidson (@kdavidson925) and Ian Smith (@iangamesmith) for your thoughtful interview questions!
Alan Linic (@alanlinic) is precisely as fabulous as everybody implies..
Jess mentioned several fine folks who have wandered with her along the Path of Suns: Colin Valkenet (@colinitlikeisee) of Phantom Rollbooth, Alyx Wulf (@alyxwulf), and the inimitable Grant Ellis (@wisepapagrant).
This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.
Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)
Sound Effects ©2018 BBC
Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)
Invisible Sun
Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.