Chaser: NDA Depletion (ft. Incantations podcast)

The Black Cube’s arrival is imminent. All the rules are changing…

We’re trying something new this morning — the NDA about Invisible Sun was just lifted, so Scott and Dave from Incantations podcast have stopped by for an unscripted, unedited, quick-and-dirty conversation about our experiences GMing Invisible Sun during the beta.

If you aren’t interested in Invisible Sun, or if you have no tolerance for coffee-shop noise, come back for one of our regular episodes. If you join us, though, you may uncover a secret or two about the crunchy bits of Invisible Sun and the future of Incantations.


Honored guests, from the Incantations Podcast:

Dave Hanlon (@tex_red)
Dr. Scott Robinson (@agonseer)

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.