17❦ Matando a Saudade

“It was probably ill-advised, softening this whiskey with drops culled from Beloved’s Fountain. Hours of sleep, hollowed away and replaced with nothing more than longing.”

In which the Proprietor dreams of a world he visited long ago — and fears he may never find a return. (It’s Gen Con weekend, or it would be in a non-pandemic timeline.)

As balm for the saudade, we’re playing a live interview recorded at Gen Con 2019: Ethan Schoonover visits the Cellar to talk about his fascinating #DnDGirls project — teaching D&D Club at Lake Washington Girls’ Middle School in Seattle.

Ethan is an absolute delight — as are these young women who have made D&D their own.

Ethan Schoonover (@ethanschoonover)

You can see what Ethan has been up to at his website, or follow him on Twitter or YouTube — which includes some great videos about D&D club and also GMing tips — but what you really want to do is visit #DnDGirls and just start scrolling. There’s so much good here.

We’ve both experienced the joy of sitting at James Walls’ (@ILiveForCrits) table for a rousing game of Dungeon Crawl Classics by Goodman Games.

There’s no formal sponsorship happening (we promise!) but you really should check out Peak Design, including the camera bag Ethan and I found ourself twinsies with.

I also mentioned this interview with Matthew Dimalanta of Gamers Giving.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.

Sign up for their quarterly newsletter to keep up with their good work.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

16❦ Weaponized Hospitality

“Remarkable! I’ve only seen that color once before… in a pair of gems set deep within the pupils of an entity named Esthanas. Last I knew, they were living under the light of the Silver.”

In which the Proprietor tells tales of one of his favorite half-worlds, a place of distant memory and deep dreams, far beneath the surface of the sea.

Richard Kreutz-Landry and Rich Howard stop in to discuss the impending Kickstarter for Descent into Midnight — which you heard about long ago, in episode 5.

The discussion also winds (inevitably) toward memory, origami, hospitality, technology, live theatre, and bedsheets.

Richard Kreutz-Landry (@RKreutzLandry)
Rich Howard (@UmbralWalker)

Find out more about Descent into Midnight at DescentIntoMidnight.com, which will soon redirect to a shiny new website, or follow the DiM Twitter feed (@DiMRPG).

In the meantime, feast your eyes on the recently-announced cover for the book, featuring lovely artwork by Devon George (@DGeorgeStudios).

Richard’s site, OrigamiGaming.com, features thoughts and musings and… origami diagrams! Don’t miss the seminal TIE Fighter he spoke about in the interview.

I stumbled into Secrets of the Magdalen Laundries in October 2000, where it was first exhibited by Gallery Henoch on W 25th St in Manhattan.

The installation was designed by Diane Fenster, with audio design by Michael McNabb. You can see some images and video on the exhibition’s page — and I highly recommend it. Haunting.

This Wikipedia article, or this one, are a fine place to start learning about the Magdalen(e) Laundries.

Rich Howard has several works published on DriveThruRPG, and a list of podcast appearances pinned to his Twitter account.

You can find This is a Game About Fishing, and other games by Taylor LaBresh (@LeviathanFiles), on his Itch page.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.

Sign up for their quarterly newsletter to keep up with their good work.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

15❦ A Hundred and Seventy Seven Emotions

“The Triumvirate has always been rumored to track intersombral travel — shipping, especially — but I never expected THAT.”

In which the Proprietor, bleary from travel and a bit out of sorts, welcomes two new guests, who seem nonetheless somehow familiar.

John Harness and Takuma Okada discuss their experiences creating and curating the Emotional Mecha Jam on itch, and ruminate on the role of game design in communicating personal experiences.

Time and place, memory, mortality, melancholy, identity, sexuality, and Giant Robots are all on the menu tonight. It’s a frank conversation, and in moments an adult one.

(Marked explicit for language and adult sexuality)

Takuma Okada (@takuma_okada_)
John Harness (@cartweel)


Jason mentioned Dungeons & Dragons, GUMSHOE, Invisible Sun, and Bluebeard’s Bride as shining examples of game systems which incentivize very distinct stories as a result of their design.

The Emotional Mecha Jam closed with 177 unique entries, exploring 177 unique emotions and stories about “GIANT ROBOTS AND THE SAD PILOTS THAT DRIVE THEM”. Please do visit, take a look, support some art, play some games, feel things.

Specific jam games mentioned in this episode include:

You can download John’s game Welcome to Paradise, Baby! (and other projects) on his itch page, or follow him on Twitter at @cartweel. You didn’t add an ‘h’, did you? Try again.

Takuma’s No Road Home empire extends across itch.io and SoundCloud — and you should absolutely check out her Patreon for regular musings and projects.

You can also hear John’s episode OR Takuma’s episode of Taylor Labresh’s Game Closet podcast, or hear more from Takuma on Women Loving Wednesdays and RPG Design Friends.

Takuma mentioned Waypoint’s BattleTech coverage as an inspiration — check out this review also — and John rhapsodized about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.

As regards itch.io, here’s that Tabletop Gaming Forum that was created in part by the influence of DC (whom you must also follow immediately).

Oh! And RAINN and Trans Lifeline, who benefited from Emotional Mecha Jam’s charity bundle, both do amazing work.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.

Sign up for their quarterly newsletter to keep up with their good work.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

14❦ Sighted Digits

“I really don’t know how they’ve done it. They don’t even have souls… do they?”

Tonight, Jason talks with Glenn Fleishman about his ambitious Tiny Type Museum project — as well as typography, design, technology, and the weird spaces between digital and analog.

Also, a conversation with Steve Robinson, owner of Wolf Mountain Books, about what makes books so special.

Glenn Fleishman (@glennf)
Steve Robinson

Glenn’s Tiny Type Museum and Time Capsule has funded on Kickstarter, and progress is being tracked at TinyTypeMuseum.com. Read more, take a look at photos of the development process, or make an order while there are still tiny museums available in the limited run of 1,000.

Glenn mentioned several foundries and other typography-related folks, including:

  • The Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, who serendipitously was involved in cutting an early wood type version of DeVinne, by permission of Central Type Foundry, where it was first designed five or so years prior.
  • P22, makers of Blox (in collaboration with Starshaped Press).
  • GlowForge, who make a 3D Laser cutter that basically conjures things from the æther.

In addition, these fine folks were mentioned:

Finally, a colophon of sorts. Here are the typefaces mentioned:

  • Bembo, which Tufte recreated from the original drawings, because of course. Read the comments on this page to find a gem from Tufte himself.
  • Albertus
  • De Vinne, as originally designed by Gustav Schroeder c. 1892 (this is the version which influences Invisible Sun’s design; there are others of the same name which look different)

Steve Robinson is the owner of Wolf Mountain Books, and mentioned the following books and authors:


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)


Jess Meier (@burst0fhope)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

13❦ Sponsored by Water

“No, no, don’t worry. We’ll be keeping Anais around. They keep their own schedule, anyway.”

Tonight, Jason talks about Bot Land, an indie game he’s been working on for the past few years — and interviews creator/lead developer Adam Damiano and Illustrator Kendra Hinojosa.

Adam Damiano(@xtonomous)
Kendra Hinojosa (@kendrahinojosa)

You can read more about Bot land at Bot.Land, or watch the trailer to get a taste. You can also now play the beta — and offer feedback:

Adam mentioned the illicit automation of Diablo 2 as an influence, and Factorio as another automation-heavy title.

Adam’s appearance was sponsored by water. Jason was emphatically not sponsored by Orange-Vanilla Coca-Cola™.

Special thanks to the Bot Land artists!


Kendra Hinojosa
@KendraHinojosa · KendraHinojosa.com

Alec Kozak

Ryanne Levin
@RyanneLevinArt · RyanneLevin.com


Alex Pelayre @AlexPelayre · AlexPelayre.com

Mike Malbrough
@StudioMalbrough · MikeMalbrough.com

Brooklyn Holland


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

12❦ Congratulations & Condolences

“Every once in awhile, the Grey gets it right. That whole thing about 13th floors just… not existing in Shadow hotels? Divine wisdom.”

The Secret Cellar has been absent, for months. Jason explains why, and what next. My deepest gratitude to my guests for bearing with me as I sort this thing out.

Kate Taylor (@tolkientrash) is a linguist who has constructed a language for use within Numenera — Seaspeak, spoken in the Rayskel Cays far to the West of the Steadfast.

Jim Ryan (@otherdoc) has recently been experimenting with Twitch as a medium for live podcasting of his show The CypherCast — you can follow it (and all of Jim’s other wonderful content) on Twitch or in podcast form.


Kate Taylor (@tolkientrash)
Jim Ryan (@otherdoc)


Numenera is a tabletop RPG published by Monte Cook Games, very dear to my heart — it was the game which reconnected me as an adult back to the roleplaying I had loved when I was younger. It recently won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game of 2018.

If you want to buy Kate a coffee (or, likely, an Irish pint) visit her Ko-Fi and do the thing.

Go buy Jim’s novella, Titanic Jocularity! I truly enjoyed it — a ridiculous madcap romp through space that reminded me a lot of Douglas Adams’s work.

Jim mentioned Darcy Ross (@darcylross) and Grant Ellis (@WisePapaGrant) as inspirations to get involved with Twitch streaming, and you should absolutely be following them both. Their creative output is delightful, and they’re both anchors of our community. (Darcy was a key inspiration for this show.)

Life on Marr’d is the stream Jim mentioned in particular.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

11❦ The Meat and the Bones

“No, we can’t accept it, I’m sorry. It’s policy, Ma’am. Especially when the guarantor is unknown.

“But honestly, would YOU accept a cheque written entirely in Goetic script? I’m not sure I even want that thing down here.”

It was honor to host James D’Amato (@oneshotrpg) and Adira Slattery (@adiraslattery) this week in the Cellar. You may know James from his previous work on season 1 of A Woman with Hollow Eyes (among many other fine works of entertainment at OneshotPodcast.com), but Adira is possibly new to you? She’ll be joining James and Darcy Ross as Shayna in season 2.

We’ll also be hearing from Jess Meier (@burstofhope), who has been hard at work un-secreting the secrets of the Black Cube.


James D’Amato (@oneshotrpg)
Adira Slattery (@adiraslattery)
Jess Meier (@burstofhope)


James does all kind of wondrous work in the podcasting/streaming space, over at One Shot Podcast Network, and has recently published a book, The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide! It’s very, very good.

Adira mentioned Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny as part of her prior context with Surrealism in storytelling, and the game Blades in the Dark from Evil Hat Productions for some of its clever narrative conventions.

James and Adira worked together on a podcast project centered around Dream Askew // Dream Apart by Avery Alder (@dreamaskew) and Benjamin Rosenbaum (@ben_rosenbaum). James says listening will give you a good preview of what’s to come from Adira on season 2.

Thanks to Mika Talley (@hireimika), Gavan Keamy (@gkeamy), Ken Davidson (@kdavidson925) and Ian Smith (@iangamesmith) for your thoughtful interview questions!

Alan Linic (@alanlinic) is precisely as fabulous as everybody implies..

Jess mentioned several fine folks who have wandered with her along the Path of Suns: Colin Valkenet (@colinitlikeisee) of Phantom Rollbooth, Alyx Wulf (@alyxwulf), and the inimitable Grant Ellis (@wisepapagrant).


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

10❦ The More Seemly Professions

Oh, but you really must go and see them recite. The Versifier is truly… resplendent. You may have heard some cautions about joining their audience, but my advice? Throw caution to the wind! Give yourself fully to their words.

You may find yourself on loop for a night or so, unable to think of anything else… but it’s worth it, I promise. Also, Zielony is good’un, and deserves your business.”

If you could construct a Venn diagram of the topics about which I am most likely to GEEK, Matt Gemmell would land right there in the middle. Tonight we discuss Story as joy, as curative, as facilitator of connections — and what it means to order your life around its creation. Matt has recently published TOLL, the second novel in his KESTREL series.

I’ve also got an idea to float by you all — it’s a product I very-much wish to see in the world: a “Walking Simulator Simulator” that facilitates translation of a certain type of video game into a face-to-face dinner party. I’ll take some time to talk through the product design of such a thing at a high level — I’ve also got UI scribblings and implementation details in my mind. If you’re an iOS developer and this sounds like an interesting project to partner on, let me know.


Matt Gemmell (@MattGemmell)
Matt is the author of CHANGER and TOLL, the first two novels in his KESTREL series — EU-centric technothrillers with an element of conspiracy theory and fringe science. Read more about his work, or become a member for early access and regular writings, at MattGemmell.com.


Making Changes” was the January 2014 announcement of Matt’s decision to walk away from development, and devote himself to writing full-time.

Here is a selection of Matt’s favorite personal work (including the essay “Raw Materials”, which has stuck with me for years). He has also published a book of personal essays, also called Raw Materials.

If you’re interested in sponsoring Matt’s work directly, you can become a member for just a few pounds a month.

Matt’s writing coach and Labradoodle, Whisky, maintains an Instagram account as well.

Gone Home, by The Fullbright Company, is such a lovely game. If for some reason you’ve waited even longer than I to play it, you should rectify that situation. It’s been available for Mac, Windows, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One for years, but recently came out for iOS and Switch as well!

Now it just needs a release for Perambulation.

I would also be remiss not to mention “A Practical Guide to Gone Home by Ian Bryce Jones at Intermittent Mechanism. Spoiler-y, so don’t read until you’ve played, but it deepened my appreciation for the game and its storytelling.

Several thoughtful folks jumped in to this Twitter thread, in which I asked for ideas about how to run something like Gone Home as a TTRPG, to offer resources and ideas. There’s some really good stuff here.

Among others, I was pointed to TTRPG games and systems like GUMSHOE by Pelgrane Press, Bluebeard’s Bride by Magpie Games and Seventh Sea, Invisible Sun and the Instant Adventure format by Monte Cook Games; and video games including Dear Esther by The Chinese Room and CAPCOM’s Ace Attorney series.

In addition, there are a crop of indie and self-published artists who are experimenting with game concepts surrounding solo play or LARPs that lent flavor to my thinking:

Do take a moment to visit the links above, or purchase these game where you can. Each of these designers is brilliant.

In the end, I shifted away from the idea of telling a story like this as a TTRPG, and began seeking a very rules-light way to approach this… Which is what led me to the notion of an app for facilitation of the experience.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

9❦ Secretly a Raccoon

“I’m sorry, that particular Shadow object is not allowed h — 

“No, when I said the thing about the light from all of the Suns, I absolutely did NOT mean —

“It’s an entirely different thing! If Void is what has gathered them, all the colors cease to have meaning. Out and apart with you! Can’t you read!?

NO KALEIDOSCOPES OR PINEAPPLES, clear as an Indigo day.”

Join me this evening for a multi-beverage chat with Brie Sheldon, who is on the cusp of making the world a better place by (among many other things) successfully Kickstarting his new game, Turn, a “slice-of-life supernatural roleplaying game with quiet drama about shapeshifters in small, rural towns.” I know: until this moment you neither knew such a thing existed, nor that you needed it. But now you do, and must.

If you hang around til the end of the show, you’ll also discover a new segment, “The Streets of Satyrine” — in which I’ll regale you with stories about the personal games I am running. Tonight we’ll kick off with a little in-world fiction from The Truth Bleeds at Twilight.


Brie “Beau” Sheldon (@BrieCS)
Brie is a game designer, thinker, and writer. All kinds of good info over at BrieCS.com, or read his blog Thoughty.


Turn is in its final 2-day stretch on Kickstarter. The game (and 3 stretch goals!) have been funded — as I write this, the campaign is currently just $318 away from a fourth, which will invite Gerrit Reininghaus to create the rural community of Halver, in West Germany, as an add-on for the game.

Spoiler alert: Brie says on the show that if we can reach the final posted $20K before tomorrow night, he’ll add a personal, additional stretch goal to sweeten the deal.

$15 bucks gets you a PDF of the game, flavored also with essays, poetry, and lovely artwork. Well worth it.

Other contributors to the project include visual designer John W. Sheldon, developmental editor and consultant Tracy Barnett, illustrator Rhis Harris, poet A.J. Odasso, and essayist Alicia Foster-Scales.

The Truth Bleeds at Twilight has finished Season 1 — you can find all 8 (no, 9) episodes in the archives at Monte Cook Games’ Twitch Channel.

Also, my co-GM for the project Ian Smith has recently obtained Twitch affiliate status as IanGameSmith and has big plans for future streaming. Go follow them for updates!


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.

8❦ Keep Your Pen to yourself

“Hello again, Sebbin? You work with the Thah sometimes, don’t you?

“You haven’t heard any… news, have you? Nothing pertinent to my business? I mean. Public houses, and, err, private ones, are an important part of the Satyrine economy, no? And they bring joy and warmth to the populace?

“Just — pass along a good word for me, will you?”

Tonight is a celebration of Invisible Sun. Monte Cook joins the show; we’ll hear a bit about how the Black Cube has been affecting those still trapped in Shadow — and also learn more about “Return to the Actuality,” the currently-active Kickstarter to reprint Invisible Sun.

You’ll also get to hear from several members of the community about the effect it’s had on their own lives.


Monte Cook


Monte Cook and Shanna Germain are the co-owners of Monte Cook Games. (Also, delightful humans.)

Return to the Actuality”, MCG’s Kickstarter to reprint Invisible Sun, has already funded — but more backers means more stretch goals, which will improve the product. If you’ve been hedging about purchasing this incredible game, please take a look at InvisibleSunRPG.com or the original Kickstarter campaign, and give it a second look.

You may just be… astounded.

Monte also spoke about The Directed Campaign, a sort of… subscription service to receive incredible advice, props, and community support to make your Invisible Sun game as celebratory as possible. Listen to Episode 4 of this podcast for a spoiler-free “virtual unboxing” of the Directed Campaign as well as some of my own thoughts about the experience.

I am so grateful to the “Regulars” who called in to tell us about their experience with Invisible Sun:

Ross Kingston (@hawklord2112)
Rourke Bywater (@rourkebywater)
Eamon Mulholland (Voidlight)
Ken Davidson (@kdavidson925)
Dave Hanlon (@tex_red)


Ian Smith (@IanGameSmith), my dear friend and Co-GM on our Invisible Sun Twitch show The Truth Bleeds at Twilight, will be running an introductory Invisible Sun one-shot for Extra Life, which this year benefits the Children’s Miracle Network.

Monte Cook Games will be matching donations for this and its other streams — find more details here — and your donations during and prior to the stream can also affect the outcome of the story!

The game will be this Saturday, November 3, from 2–6pm Pacific atheld on Ian’s Twitch channel. I’ll be playing as a PC, along with Rourke Bywater, Alexei Othenin-Girard, Richard Kreutz-Landry, and MCG’s own Darcy Ross! Hope to see you there.

I am honored to be co-GMing the Invisible Sun Actual Play “The Truth Bleeds at Twilight”, in cooperation with Ian Smith and Monte Cook Games. We’ll be streaming our final episode on Friday, November 16 at 7pm Pacific on the MonteCookGames Twitch channel — rumor has it there will be a very special guest in attendance! You can also follow The Crepuscule Notion on Twitter or read and contribute at the Notion website.


Gamers Giving logo: heart, inscribed on a d20, with angelic wings

This episode was sponsored by Gamers Giving (@gamersgivingco), a Denver-based 501(c)3 charity by gamers, for gamers. Gamers Giving organizes events and fundraisers which benefit members of the gaming community who have experienced tragedy.

Episode 8 was also brought to you by Play to Find Out, a Dungeon World podcast hosted by Eamon Mulholland and Arthur Berman. The podcast is just one part of a larger Dungeon World community, featuring high community interactivity on their discord, fan contests, live-streamed episodes, “audio zine” content, design discussions, and awesome links to all over the PbtA + OSR community and beyond!


Casey Ross (@caseyrawz)

Sound Effects ©2018 BBC

Monte Cook Games (@montecookgames)

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun is the intellectual property of Monte Cook Games, with whom Zeros.Bar and the Secret Cellar have no affiliation.